Monday, November 21, 2011

Results of my Echocardiagram

Sorry about not posting the results of my recent echocardiogram. Things got very busy as my sister’s husband passed after fighting pancreatic cancer for a year.  He was only 70 years old and it was very hard on my sister.

Then I had to fly to San Francisco for a week for work.  My organization is having financial issues and it looks like I will have to cut my salary and others the first of the year.

 Anyway, my echocardiogram came back the same as last year, with an EF of 30 – 35 %.  The technician noted that I have a great deal of arrhythmias and so I need to go to my other cardiac specialist to ask him if it is anything new there.

 They know I have PVC’s often, but they have so far decided to leave them alone.

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