Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Length of this trip

I was recently asked by a friend of mine how long I have been on this journey, and I realize I have not written on that topic, short of anniversary posts. This story was originally too long and boring, so I have shortened it.

Part One

In February, 2002, I started getting some strange symptoms of an aching in my chest. My doctor has done a full physical and treadmill on me less that 9 months before and my heart was perfect then, so he told me I was working too hard and to take some aspirin.

The next marker I noticed was when I was on vacation in July of 2002. I went out to run on the beach and noticed that I had no wind, and my heart was beating abnormally hard after just a short while.

In February of 2003, I went back to my regular internist because I continued to feel lousy. This time my internist did an EKG and read the results. He came back into the room and said, “Mr. Connelly I have having my nurse drive you to the hospital right now, and I have scheduled emergency surgery for tomorrow morning for you to receive a pacemaker.” At that point, my life was changed forever.

That night, alone in bed in the hospital the night before my surgery, I made my peace with God and prepared myself in case of death. Ever since that moment, I have not been the same person. I had let go of my fear of death.

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