Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stem Cell Hope

Yesterday I spoke to a research institution that is recruiting patients for stem cell studies for heart failure patients.  This is the first one in the USA that I know of that includes non-ischemic as well as ischemic cardiomyopathy.  My wonderful wife also called another study that sounds hopeful as well.

I visited a doctor in Germany last year trying to get into the only non-ischemic study in the world but I did not qualify at that time.  Now it appears that we may have choices.

It is ironic that after I wrote what I did yesterday morning that this would happen yesterday afternoon.  

Feeling hopeful at the moment.


Kristie said...

Hi David,

I'm glad that you found my blog. It has lead me to yours. I plan to follow yours as well.


lindapalk said...

hi David, I follow your blog ever now and then. My husband is non-ischemic CM. We live in Oklahoma. How do you find out about stem cell trials in the US?

Good luck. My prayers are with you.
