Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fourth Anniversay Today

It has been right at two months since my last post so I thought it was high time to get back at it. This is the fourth anniversary of going into the hospital and being diagnosed with acute heart failure. Back then my lungs were filling with fluid, my kidneys were failing, and my ejection fraction was 12%.

Since then I have been to the doctor innumerable times, I have three cardiologists, and I have degenerative arthritis in both of my hips. I am feeling both lucky, because my children are mostly well, and I have a wonderful partner who is very supportive, but at another level, I sometimes feel resentful, I admit.

To pick up the story from my last post, since I got home from Paris, it has been a whirlwind of doctor's visits and tests, and then I had my 3rd surgery this year on June 4th to replace my broken left lead. They told me they were not sure this was causing me to go into Ventricular Fibrillation, but they needed to fix this and see what happens.

The surgery went okay, it lasted three hours and this one had more pain than the prior three pacemaker surgeries. I found out the probable cause a few days later that the doctor moved my pacemaker as well as replaced the lead. It seems to be implanted in the muscle now where before it was not.

After a few weeks, I seem to be stable and I am grateful for that. I have started exercising just a bit, as I want to try to build back up the best I can to prepare myself for the next time something happens.

I woke up feeling irritated today and I could not put my finger on it, but perhaps it was an unconscious reaction to my forth anniversary of dealing with CHF. Life goes on, so I need to go back to work now.

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